Burgers & Bytes

Microsoft Forms API

Table of contents

Every question type has is own setup of the body content.

Body content

The payload of the different question types all have the same parameters:

    "questionInfo": "",
    "type": "",
    "title": "Question",
    "id": "",
    "order": 4000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false

Parameter type

Upload FileQuestion.FileUpload
Net Promoter ScoreQuestion.NPS

Parameter title

The title is quite an easy parameter, it just needs to contain the text for the actual question.

Parameter id

The parameter id is a random number starting with r. In Power Automate you can use this expression to populate id: concat('r',string(rand(10000,999999)))

Parameter order

This contains the order of the questions.

Parameter isQuiz

This parameter is available for each question on a Form, while it’s based on the Form you created.

Parameter required

This parameter determines if the question is required to answer or not. Just set true or false value.

Parameter questionInfo

This parameter is the most important and most challenging for all the question types. In this parameter the content value for the question needs to be set.


    "questionInfo": "{\"Choices\":[{\"Description\":\"Option 1\",\"IsGenerated\":true},{\"Description\":\"Option 2\",\"IsGenerated\":true}],\"ChoiceType\":1,\"AllowOtherAnswer\":false,\"OptionDisplayStyle\":\"ListAll\",\"ChoiceRestrictionType\":\"None\",\"ShowRatingLabel\":false}",
    "type": "Question.Choice",
    "title": "Question",
    "id": "",
    "order": 4000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false


    "questionInfo": "{\"Multiline\":false,\"ShowRatingLabel\":false}",
    "type": "Question.TextField",
    "title": "Question",
    "id": "",
    "order": 5000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false


    "questionInfo": "{\"Length\":5,\"RatingShape\":\"Star\",\"LeftDescription\":\"\",\"RightDescription\":\"\",\"MinRating\":1,\"ShuffleOptions\":false,\"ShowRatingLabel\":false,\"IsMathQuiz\":false}",
    "type": "Question.Rating",
    "title": "Question",
    "id": "",
    "order": 6000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false


    "questionInfo": "{\"Date\":true,\"Time\":false,\"ShuffleOptions\":false,\"ShowRatingLabel\":false,\"IsMathQuiz\":false}",
    "type": "Question.DateTime",
    "title": "Question",
    "id": "",
    "order": 7000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false

Upload File

    "questionInfo": "{\"HasSpecificFileType\":false,\"FileTypes\":{\"Word\":true,\"Excel\":true,\"PowerPoint\":true,\"PDF\":true,\"Image\":true,\"Video\":true,\"Audio\":true},\"MaxFileCount\":1,\"MaxFileSize\":10,\"ShuffleOptions\":false,\"ShowRatingLabel\":false,\"IsMathQuiz\":false}",
    "type": "Question.FileUpload",
    "title": "Question",
    "id": "",
    "order": 16000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false

Net Promoter Score

    "questionInfo": "{\"LeftDescription\":\"Not at all likely\",\"RightDescription\":\"Extremely likely\",\"ShuffleOptions\":false,\"ShowRatingLabel\":false,\"IsMathQuiz\":false}",
    "type": "Question.NPS",
    "title": "How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?",
    "id": "",
    "order": 17000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false

Extra API calls needed for Ranking and Likert

The first four question types are easy to had with one API call to the Form. The Ranking, Likert, Upload File and Net Promoter Score are more challenging; not only to POST the question, but choices as well.



    "questionInfo": "{\"ShuffleOptions\":false,\"ShowRatingLabel\":false,\"IsMathQuiz\":false}",
    "type": "Question.Ranking",
    "title": "Question",
    "allowMultipleValues": true,
    "id": "",
    "order": 9000500,
    "isQuiz": false,
    "required": false

Body to POST new answer option:

{"customProperties":"{\"IsGenerated\":true}","displayText":"Option 2","key":"87bc49ca-21aa-42ce-89bc-07296e64476b","order":2}


Body to POST the question:

    "type": "Question.MatrixChoice",
    "title": "Statement 2",
    "id": "",
    "order": 15000500,
    "groupId": "r3a99df2e5d934b28adbe3ad6580be2fe"

Body to POST new answer option:

{"customProperties":"{\"IsGenerated\":true}","order":4,"displayText":"Option 4","description":null,"key":"0d6772a8-ae78-4515-a3af-4233d2c46d45"}
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