Burgers & Bytes
February 11, 2025

Improving performance insights using Apdex

Feb 11, 2025  •  9   • 1846 
Table of contents


Ever heard users complain about the sluggishness of your Power Automate flow? But how do we know if that complaint is based on actual performance or just a feeling?

In this blog, we’ll explore how to move from subjective complaints to objective insights by using Apdex scores to evaluate Power Automate flow performance.

What is Apdex and how does it help in measuring flow performance?

Apdex Overview

Apdex (Application Performance Index) is a standardized way of measuring user satisfaction with application performance. It uses a scoring system that tracks how long it takes for a flow to respond, translating that into a more user-experience-oriented metric.

How Apdex improves subjectivity

Apdex scores take the guesswork out of performance monitoring. Instead of relying on vague complaints like “the flow is slow,” Apdex translates user experience into a clear, numerical score. This way, developers and users alike can objectively see how the flow is performing in real time.

The way the score is calculate is explained in the image below: Apdex in a nutshell

Apdex Scoring Breakdown

Visualizing performance with Apdex scores

By default there is a Flow Run table in Dataverse available in which the runs of a flow are stored including their duration. Next to that the values for satisfied, tolerating and frustrated needs to be determined. This data is stored in another table in Dataverse as well.

Some calculation needs to be done and than it is possible to display the values in a user-friendly way in a Power App.

The end result look like this:


Details for the user to see the explanation of the scores and how the score is calculated.


Apdex Score Component

The Apdex Score values are shown using a component. The YAML for the Apdex component:

- cmpApdex:
    Control: Component
      ApdexScore: |+
            {Satisfied: Self.SatisfiedCount},
            {Tolerating: Self.ToleratingCount},
            {Frustrated: Self.FrustratedCount}
      FrustratedCount: =100
      SatisfiedCount: =600
      ToleratingCount: =100
      Height: =300
    - conApdexDetails:
        Control: GroupContainer
        Variant: manualLayoutContainer
          Fill: =RGBA(214, 221, 224, 1)
          Height: =Parent.Height
          RadiusBottomLeft: =24
          RadiusBottomRight: =24
          RadiusTopLeft: =24
          RadiusTopRight: =24
          Width: =Parent.Width
        - conFormulaCalculation:
            Control: GroupContainer
            Variant: manualLayoutContainer
              DropShadow: =DropShadow.None
              Height: =90
              Width: =372
              X: =(Parent.Width - Self.Width)/2
              Y: =Parent.Height - Self.Height
            - txtApdexisValue:
                Control: Text
                  Size: =20
                  Text: =Round((cmpApdex.SatisfiedCount + (cmpApdex.FrustratedCount / 2)) / (cmpApdex.SatisfiedCount + cmpApdex.ToleratingCount + cmpApdex.FrustratedCount),2)
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  Width: =71
                  X: =txtApdexis_2.X + txtApdexis_2.Width
                  Y: =txtApdexis_2.Y
            - txtApdexis_2:
                Control: Text
                  Text: ="= "
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  Width: =15
                  X: =Rectangle2_1.X + Rectangle2_1.Width + 10
                  Y: '=Rectangle2_1.Y - 18 '
            - HtmlFormulaTotalValue:
                Control: HtmlViewer
                  HtmlText: ="<b><font color=#98D046>"& cmpApdex.SatisfiedCount & "</font></b> + <b><font color=#f0620f>"& cmpApdex.ToleratingCount & "</font></b> + <b><font color=#d73a3c>"& cmpApdex.FrustratedCount & "</font></b>"
                  Height: =43
                  Size: =12
                  Width: =150
                  X: =136
                  Y: =Rectangle2_1.Y + Rectangle2_1.Height
            - Rectangle2_1:
                Control: Rectangle
                  Fill: =Color.Black
                  Height: =1
                  Width: =HtmlFormulaTotalValue.Width
                  X: =HtmlFormulaTotalValue.X
                  Y: =45
            - HtmlFormulaValue:
                Control: HtmlViewer
                  HtmlText: ="<b><font color=#98D046>"& cmpApdex.SatisfiedCount & "</font></b> + (<b><font color=#f0620f>"& cmpApdex.ToleratingCount & "</font></b> / 2)"
                  Height: =35
                  Size: =12
                  Width: =130
                  X: =Rectangle2_1.X + (Rectangle2_1.Width - Self.Width) /2
                  Y: =Rectangle2_1.Y - Self.Height
            - txtApdexis_1:
                Control: Text
                  Text: ="Apdex score = "
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =40
                  Y: =30
        - txtTitleApdex:
            Control: Text
              Size: =20
              Text: ="Apdex"
              Weight: ='TextCanvas.Weight'.Semibold
              X: =20
              Y: =10
        - infoApdex:
            Control: InfoButton
              OnSelect: =Set(varShowFormula, !varShowFormula)
              AccessibleLabel: ="info"
              Content: ="Application Performance Index"
              X: =txtTitleApdex.Width + txtTitleApdex.X
              Y: =txtTitleApdex.Y
        - CompositeColumnChart1:
            Control: Group
            - Legend1:
                Control: Legend
                  Items: =ColumnChart1.SeriesLabels
                  Height: =89
                  ItemColorSet: =ColumnChart1.ItemColorSet
                  Width: =114
                  X: =10
                  Y: =109
            - ColumnChart1:
                Control: BarChart
                  AccessibleLabel: ="chart"
                  Items: =cmpApdex.ApdexScore
                  DisplayMode: =DisplayMode.View
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  GridStyle: =GridStyle.None
                  Height: =153
                  ItemColorSet: =[RGBA(152, 208, 70, 1),RGBA(240, 98, 15, 1), RGBA(215, 58, 60, 1)]
                  NumberOfSeries: =3
                  SeriesAxisMin: =0
                  Width: =328
                  X: =71
                  XLabelAngle: =0
                  Y: =57
                  YLabelAngle: =20
            - Title1:
                Control: Label
                  Text: ="Chart Title"
                  Align: =Align.Center
                  Height: =12
                  Visible: =false
                  Width: =409
                  X: =35
                  Y: =158
        - imgSmile:
            Control: Image
              OnSelect: =Set(varShowLegend, !varShowLegend)
              AccessibleLabel: ="Smile"
              Image: "=If((Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) >= 0.93 And Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) <= 1), \r\n\r\n\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n \r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='green' />\r\n  \r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <path d='M 30 60 Q 50 75, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\"),\r\n\r\n(Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) >= 0.84 And Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) <= 0.92),  \r\n\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n \r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='#66b366' />\r\n  \r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <path d='M 30 60 Q 50 75, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\"),\r\n\r\n(Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) >= 0.69 And Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) <= 0.83),  \r\n\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n  \r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='#f8de7e' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Eyes -->\r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Straight Mouth -->\r\n  <path d='M 30 60 H 70' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\r\n\r\n\"),\r\n\r\n(Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) >= 0.49 And Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) <= 0.68),  \r\n\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n  <!-- Circle (Face) with orange color -->\r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='orange' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Eyes -->\r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Sad Mouth -->\r\n  <path d='M 30 60 Q 50 55, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\r\n\r\n\"),\r\n\r\n(Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) >= 0.00 And Value(txtApdexisValue.Text) <= 0.48),  \r\n\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n  <!-- Circle (Face) with red color -->\r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='red' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Eyes -->\r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Sad Mouth (More pronounced) -->\r\n   <path d='M 35 60 Q 50 55, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\")\r\n\r\n)"
              Height: =75
              TabIndex: =0
              Width: =75
              X: =444
              Y: =9
        - conSmileExplanation:
            Control: GroupContainer
            Variant: manualLayoutContainer
              Fill: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
              Visible: =varShowLegend
              Width: =250
              X: =Parent.Width - imgSmile.X + imgSmile.Width
              Y: =40
            - txtUnacceptableScore:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="0.00 - 0.48"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =txtSmileExcellent.X + txtSmileExcellent.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileUnacceptable.Y
            - txtSmileUnacceptable:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="Unacceptable"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =imgSmileUnacceptable.X + imgSmileUnacceptable.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileUnacceptable.Y
            - imgSmileUnacceptable:
                Control: Image
                  Image: "=\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n  <!-- Circle (Face) with red color -->\r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='red' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Eyes -->\r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Sad Mouth (More pronounced) -->\r\n   <path d='M 35 60 Q 50 55, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\r\n\")"
                  Height: =32
                  Width: =32
                  X: =imgSmileExcellent.X
                  Y: =imgSmilePoor.Y + imgSmilePoor.Height
            - txtPoorScore:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="0.93 - 1.00"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =txtSmileExcellent.X + txtSmileExcellent.Width
                  Y: =imgSmilePoor.Y
            - txtSmilePoor:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="Poor"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =imgSmilePoor.X + imgSmilePoor.Width
                  Y: =imgSmilePoor.Y
            - imgSmilePoor:
                Control: Image
                  Image: "=\r\n\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n  <!-- Circle (Face) with orange color -->\r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='orange' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Eyes -->\r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Sad Mouth -->\r\n  <path d='M 30 60 Q 50 55, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\r\n\r\n\")"
                  Height: =32
                  Width: =32
                  X: =imgSmileExcellent.X
                  Y: =imgSmileFair.Y + imgSmileFair.Height
            - txtFairScore:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="0.69 - 0.83"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =txtSmileExcellent.X + txtSmileExcellent.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileFair.Y
            - txtSmileFair:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="Fair"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =imgSmileFair.X + imgSmileFair.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileFair.Y
            - imgSmileFair:
                Control: Image
                  Image: "=\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n  \r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='#f8de7e' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Eyes -->\r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <!-- Straight Mouth -->\r\n  <path d='M 30 60 H 70' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\r\n\r\n\")"
                  Height: =32
                  Width: =32
                  X: =imgSmileExcellent.X
                  Y: =imgSmileGood.Y + imgSmileGood.Height
            - txtGoodScore:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="0.84 - 0.92"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =txtSmileExcellent.X + txtSmileExcellent.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileGood.Y
            - txtSmileGood:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="Good"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =imgSmileGood.X + imgSmileGood.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileGood.Y
            - imgSmileGood:
                Control: Image
                  Image: "=\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n \r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='#66b366' />\r\n  \r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <path d='M 30 60 Q 50 75, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\")"
                  Height: =32
                  Width: =32
                  X: =imgSmileExcellent.X
                  Y: =imgSmileExcellent.Y + imgSmileExcellent.Height
            - txtExcellentScore:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="0.93 - 1.00"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =txtSmileExcellent.X + txtSmileExcellent.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileExcellent.Y
            - txtSmileExcellent:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="Excellent"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =imgSmileExcellent.X + imgSmileExcellent.Width
                  Y: =imgSmileExcellent.Y
            - imgSmileExcellent:
                Control: Image
                  Image: "=\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, \"&EncodeUrl(\"\r\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100' width='100' height='100'>\r\n \r\n  <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='green' />\r\n  \r\n  <circle cx='35' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  <circle cx='65' cy='40' r='5' fill='white' />\r\n  \r\n  <path d='M 30 60 Q 50 75, 70 60' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' fill='transparent' />\r\n</svg>\r\n\")"
                  Height: =32
                  Width: =32
                  X: =20
                  Y: =30
            - txtApdexScore:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="Apdex Score"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: =txtExcellentScore.X
                  Y: =txtAllLevels.Y
            - txtAllLevels:
                Control: Text
                  Font: =uiFont.Primary
                  Text: ="All Levels"
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  X: |+
        - conFormula:
            Control: GroupContainer
            Variant: manualLayoutContainer
              Fill: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
              Height: =118
              RadiusBottomLeft: =24
              RadiusBottomRight: =24
              RadiusTopLeft: =24
              RadiusTopRight: =24
              Visible: =varShowFormula
              Width: =468
              X: =72
              Y: =47
            - htmlFormulaTotal:
                Control: HtmlViewer
                  HtmlText: ="<b><font color=#98D046>Satisfied</font></b> + <b><font color=#f0620f>Tolerating</font></b> + <b><font color=#d73a3c>Frustrated</font></b> counts"
                  Height: =43
                  Size: =12
                  Width: =350
                  X: =110
                  Y: =Rectangle2.Y + Rectangle2.Height
            - Rectangle2:
                Control: Rectangle
                  Fill: =Color.Black
                  Height: =1
                  Width: =htmlFormulaTotal.Width
                  X: =htmlFormulaTotal.X
                  Y: =56
            - HtmlFormula:
                Control: HtmlViewer
                  HtmlText: ="<b><font color=#98D046>Satisfied</font></b> + (<b><font color=#f0620f>Tolerating</font></b> / 2)"
                  Height: =35
                  Size: =12
                  Width: =254
                  X: =Rectangle2.X + (Rectangle2.Width - Self.Width) /2
                  Y: =Rectangle2.Y - Self.Height
            - txtApdexis:
                Control: Text
                  Text: ="Apdex score ="
                  VerticalAlign: =VerticalAlign.Middle
                  Y: =40
    AccessAppScope: true
    - SatisfiedCount:
        Direction: Input
        PropertyType: Data
        DataType: Number
        IsResettable: false
        DisplayName: SatisfiedCount
        Description: A custom property
    - ToleratingCount:
        Direction: Input
        PropertyType: Data
        DataType: Number
        IsResettable: false
        DisplayName: ToleratingCount
        Description: A custom property
    - FrustratedCount:
        Direction: Input
        PropertyType: Data
        DataType: Number
        IsResettable: false
        DisplayName: FrustratedCount
        Description: A custom property
    - ApdexScore:
        Direction: Input
        PropertyType: Data
        DataType: Table
        IsResettable: false
        DisplayName: ApdexScore
        Description: A custom property

Using a Function (fka low-code plugin) to calculate the values

The values for the Apdex Score are calculated using a Function:


    {SelectedFlows: Filter(flowrun, workflowid = SelectedFlow)},
                Round(duration * 0.001, 0) <= SatisfiedCount
                Round(duration * 0.001, 0) > SatisfiedCount && Round(duration * 0.001, 0) <= ToleratedCount
                Round(duration * 0.001, 0) >= FrustratedCount


Using Apdex scores provides an objective way to measure Power Automate flow performance and turn subjective complaints into actionable insights. By monitoring Apdex scores, developers can prioritize optimizations based on real data, improving the user experience.

To consider

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