Power Pages: visual message indicator
Nov 24, 2024 • 2 • 270
End result
The end result is an envelop icon in which a counter displays the number of messages for the current logged in contact.
Simplified view of the datamodel, just to support the understanding of the technical setup.
Content snippet
To accomplish this, start by creating an HTML content snippet. This snippet will serve as the foundation for counting the number of messages and displaying the envelop icon.
In this scenario the name of the snippet is: Message Counter.
<!-- Count Messages for current logged in user -->
{% fetchxml querymessages %}
<fetch version="1.0" mapping="logical" aggregate="true">
<entity name="cr4c5_message">
<attribute name="cr4c5_messageid" aggregate="count" alias="messagescount"/>
<condition attribute="cr4c5_to" operator="eq" value="{{user.id}}" />
{% endfetchxml %}
{% for result in querymessages.results.entities %}
{% assign messagescount = result.messagescount %}
{% endfor %}
<!--The envelop icon in svg format as a link to details page -->
<a href="~/Messages">
<svg height="40px" width="40px" version="1.1" id="_x32_" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
viewBox="0 0 512 512" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
<path class="st0" d="M395.914,280.909v110.243L293.305,290.163l42.018-35.667c-9.729-7.633-18.24-16.686-25.196-26.818
c-5.742,0.81-11.617,1.216-17.563,1.216C408.344,282.328,402.062,281.855,395.914,280.909z M36.41,203.091l43.908,37.288
l58.701,49.784L36.41,391.152V203.091z M62.891,418.712L168.27,314.955l13.779,11.686c9.188,7.836,21.279,12.092,34.113,12.092
<path class="st1" d="M414.744,57.418c-53.713,0-97.256,43.543-97.256,97.256s43.543,97.256,97.256,97.256
c53.717,0,97.256-43.543,97.256-97.256S468.461,57.418,414.744,57.418z 29.078-25.261h26.068V211.504z"/>
<text x="370" y="200" style="fill: #ffffff;font-size:130px;font-weight:bold;">{{messagescount}}</text>
Add content snippet to the header
Go to Web Templates and select Header. Add html to the source code:
This is the html, which is only displayed if the user is logged in:
{%if user %}
<li class="divider-vertical" aria-hidden="true"></li>
<li > {% editable snippets 'MessagesCounter' type: 'html' %}</li>
{% endif %}
Just sync and test! The envelop will be displayed and the user is informed about the number of messages!
- Use FetchXml Test in the XrmToolBox to test your FetchXml queries.