Burgers & Bytes
June 5, 2024

Dynamics forms: tabular question type

Jun 5, 2024  •  5   • 871 
Table of contents

Dynamics Forms

Inspired by Matthey Devaney , a fully dynamic form was created in Power Apps, incorporating various question types like toggles, text inputs, and comboboxes. Everything worked smoothly until the need for tabular questions came along.

For these tabular questions, the requirement was to allow flexible setup of the question and definition of table headers, enabling end users to enter their answers in the rows below. This challenge is now ready to be addressed 💪🏻.

End result

The end result is the possibility to answer tabular question in which the user can add and remove answers.

End result

Define column headers

Management of the questions takes place in a Model Driven app. The question is defined and the column headers are entered as options formatted using comma separated values.


The limitations in the Power Apps Canvas are set to work with a maximum of 5 column headers. In this example question there are just 3 column headers needed.

A collection ‘colTabularAnswers’ is created to store the information for all questions of type ’tabular’.

        Filter(colQuestions,FieldType = "Tabular") As data,
            With({splitted: Split(data.Options, ",")},
                    QuestionID: data.QuestionID,
                    ID: GUID(),
                    ColumnType: 0, 
                    Column1: If(CountRows(splitted) >= 1,
                        " "),
                    Column2: If(CountRows(splitted) >= 2,
                         " "),
                    Column3: If(CountRows(splitted) >= 3,
                        " "),
                    Column4: If(CountRows(splitted) >= 4,
                        " "),
                    Column5: If(CountRows(splitted) >= 5,
                        " ")

This results in a collection in which for all questions with fieldtype tabular the column headers are defined. By ColumnType = 0 it’s known as header. Headers

Question setup

In the gallery in which all questions types are covered a container is added which three different parts: header, form and answers. As you can see a maximum of 5. container container

The column headers are set as text: header text


The form is created using text input.


The visibility of each TabularValue is set based on the number of column headers available as options: If(CountRows(Split(ThisItem.Options,",")) >= 1,true, false)

In the galTabular the answers of the current questions are loaded. The items: Filter(colTabularAnswers, QuestionID = ThisItem.QuestionID And ColumnType = 1) As Tabular


In this example there are just three columns available, to equally divided the columns the width of the label is calculated dynamically.

Width: If(CountRows(Split(ThisItem.Options,",")) = 0, "", (Parent.Width - btnTabularFormAdd.Width) / (CountRows(Split(ThisItem.Options,","))))


The answers need to be initially stored, deleted and reloaded.

Add answers

Not only the answers needed to be given, they need to be saved as well. After clicking on the Add button the collection is updated with the entered values.

        ID: GUID(),
        QuestionID: ThisItem.QuestionID,
        ColumnType: 1,
        Column1: If(IsBlank(txtTabularForm1.Value), " ", txtTabularForm1.Value),
        Column2: If(IsBlank(txtTabularForm2.Value), " ", txtTabularForm2.Value),
        Column3: If(IsBlank(txtTabularForm3.Value), " ", txtTabularForm3.Value),
        Column4: If(IsBlank(txtTabularForm4.Value), " ", txtTabularForm4.Value),
        Column5: If(IsBlank(txtTabularForm5.Value), " ", txtTabularForm5.Value)


    colQuestionsModified, QuestionID = ThisItem.QuestionID,
        Modified: 1,
        Answer: Text(JSON(Filter(colTabularAnswers As data, data.QuestionID = ThisRecord.QuestionID)))

The given values are added to the collection and next to that the colQuestionsModified in which all modified answers are stored is updated.
The answer is stored as text which looks like JSON. Due to the fact PowerFx doesn’t have the opportunity to create dynamic column value, the ‘Column1’, ‘Column2’ etcetera are introduced.

{"Column1":"Training/Certification","Column2":" Institution","Column3":" Year completed","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":0,"ID":"4d658e27-a765-4179-af59-b6883fd1c7a0","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"},
{"Column1":"Scrum master","Column2":"Scrum.org","Column3":"2022","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":1,"ID":"22d3907e-f7ca-4cfa-af4c-3316e2888788","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"},
{"Column1":"PL-100","Column2":"Microsoft","Column3":"2023","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":1,"ID":"0138e7c9-6e85-4e35-9cd7-0f85bd38c438","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"},
{"Column1":"PL-200","Column2":"Microsoft","Column3":"2024","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":1,"ID":"34aa3e5c-188a-4914-991f-71801b5ff97f","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"}

Remove answers

While clicking on the remove button the selected item needs to be deleted. In the OnSelect the following logic is added:

    LookUp(colTabularAnswers, ID = galTabular.Selected.ID)

    colQuestionsModified, QuestionID = ThisItem.QuestionID,
        Modified: 1,
        Answer: Text(JSON(Filter(colTabularAnswers As data, data.QuestionID = ThisRecord.QuestionID)))

Both the collection of tabular answers and the collection which stores the values of the modified questions is updated.

Pre-load previous answers

All the above steps are required for newly answered tabular questions. Additionally, previous answers need to be loaded into the dynamic form. When selecting a previously filled-in form, the colQuestions collection is loaded to store all the information regarding the questions and given answers. For tabular questions, this means the answer values are loaded as follows:

{"Column1":"Training/Certification","Column2":" Institution","Column3":" Year completed","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":0,"ID":"4d658e27-a765-4179-af59-b6883fd1c7a0","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"},
{"Column1":"Scrum master","Column2":"Scrum.org","Column3":"2022","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":1,"ID":"22d3907e-f7ca-4cfa-af4c-3316e2888788","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"},
{"Column1":"PL-100","Column2":"Microsoft","Column3":"2023","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":1,"ID":"0138e7c9-6e85-4e35-9cd7-0f85bd38c438","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"},
{"Column1":"PL-200","Column2":"Microsoft","Column3":"2024","Column4":" ","Column5":" ","ColumnType":1,"ID":"34aa3e5c-188a-4914-991f-71801b5ff97f","QuestionID":"58935396-891d-ef11-840a-002248a269cd"}

This needs to be transformed into rows in the colTabularAnswers. This can be done using following PowerFx:

    Filter(colQuestions,FieldType = "Tabular") As data,
                ParseJSON(data.Answer) As jsondata, 
                    Int(jsondata.ColumnType) = 1,
                            Column1: Text(jsondata.Column1),
                            Column2: Text(jsondata.Column2),
                            Column3: Text(jsondata.Column3),
                            Column4: Text(jsondata.Column4),
                            Column5: Text(jsondata.Column5),
                            QuestionID: GUID(jsondata.QuestionID),
                            ID: GUID(),
                            ColumnType: Int(jsondata.ColumnType)


On a separate save button all the given answers are patched to the Dataverse table.

Hopefully Microsoft comes with a solution to have the ability to create and use flexible column names. Unto that moment this can be a way to go.

Tips and tricks

  If(ThisItem.FieldType = "Tabular",
    (CountRows(MatchAll(ThisItem.Description,"\n")) +1 ) * 20 + (CountRows(Filter(colTabularAnswers, QuestionID = ThisItem.QuestionID And ColumnType = 1)) * 41) + conTabularHeader.Height + conTabularForm.Height + 50, 40)


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